Holding Space

While reflecting on the past three weeks working with common art, Café Emmanuel and the Art and Spirituality group at the Suffolk county corrections facility I noticed that I have been doing a lot of listening. Holding space is something we talk about often in my courses at Lesley. We talk about holding space in a therapeutic context yet I feel it is applicable in everyday life. For me holding space means engaging on a body level, using my posture to communicate attentiveness and support, and bringing myself into a group and participating cognitively through listening and responding when appropriate. I find that when I am holding space I am receiving so much from others who are given an opportunity to be and express themselves in an authentic way.

Last week when I was in the kitchen helping prepare food for common art I held space for the food preparation team to create dishes to feed the community. The Arts and Spirituality program led by Pam is a beautiful example of space holding. The program asks us (the volunteers) not to initiate conversation as we make our cards. It became clear to me that during our time of quiet card making meaningful conversations amongst the inmates are happening. By not initiating conversations I am allowing these women to express themselves and make connections within their community and the outside world both through contact with their loved ones in the card making and by our presence. These conversations are supporting their needs in that moment and I feel that by being there we are helping to create a healing space.

While I was thinking of a topic for this post I came across a quote by one of my favorite authors, Mary Oliver. “Sometimes I need only to stand wherever I am to be blessed.” This quote reminded me of the power of holding space, listening, and witnessing all that is around me. It is my intention as I venture into the coming weeks and months to take time, check in with myself, listen to what is around me, to relish in the blessings and to give gratitude for each interaction and opportunity to witness.

– Jessi, October 5, 2014