Let the art speak.

I first visited my internship site on Ash Wednesday a year ago. I still remember how nervous I was that day and so quietly hid among the people. Reflecting on myself this year, I have learned a lot from our community, about such things as my leadership skills, the history of its diverse cultures, cultural competence, nonverbal communication skills, and different life-stage experiences. The joy of self-growing also includes knowing so many beautiful souls here. They have welcomed me to join, even if it has taken time.

 Because sometimes we are too reliant on description rather than our feeling, I want to share the common art team’s group-art project for February by showing you this image. People pursue the so-called correct answer, but art can speak what the language can’t and bring our creativity into the image. Lastly, I appreciate everyone who contributed to this project. This art cannot do without any of the pieces.
|+| Wanyi Huang