Sharing Stories

Firstly I’d like to thank the Reverend Pamela Werntz and Emmanuel Church for the opportunity to participate in the Common Art program, Café Emmanuel, and the Art and Spirituality program. I consider it an honor to be chosen and believe this will be an exceptionally enriching experience because of the real life, real time dynamics of non-clinical settings.

At three weeks into the programs I’m just beginning to put names to faces and appreciate the sharing of stories I’ve heard thus far. It is always enlightening to find commonality with others even when there are many differences. And as a new face it is greatly appreciated when so many show a sincere interest in getting to know me as well.  I look forward to getting to know everyone better over the next several months and become a part of their lives for this academic year.
 As unique as the three programs are in nature, the outreach-community aspect is exemplified in all. I would encourage anyone who has not shared in these or other community service programs to find a way to do so because the experience is life-affirming and the rewards are tremendous.
Foremost I’ve witnessed a significant diversity in background and circumstance of the members seeking a connection to others.  I’m heartened to see everyone taking the time and having the will to participate when participants have to overcome significant obstacles of personal circumstances to just show up. It speaks to the strength of Emmanuel Church’s many community-based programs as Briana Heller stated in last week‘s post.
Again thank you for this opportunity for which I am most grateful. I look forward to my year and the sharing of my experiences with all of you.