What color of the rainbow are you today?

I’m very excited to share a project that Briana and I started this past week with the Café Emmanuel attendees.  As art therapists in training Briana and I appreciate the opportunity to present our ideas and be able to incorporate art therapy into the LGBT group. Although this is deliberately intended to be a small change in routine for the Café Emmanuel group, it is a big step for Briana and me toward our future professions.  The project, called What Color of the Rainbow Are You Today? consists of weekly elements created by interested Café Emmanuel attendees.  The participants choose from a different medium each week that is available in a variety of colors.  This past week the medium was strips of painted paper.  The participants are then invited to add reflections to the elements, if they choose to do so, such as honoring loved ones past or present, or just what they are feeling at that particular moment.  As time passes and we’ve collected enough elements we’ll combine these into one collaborative piece for display.

We wanted to add something to the weekly luncheon that was simple in concept, short in time spent, but hopefully held some significance to the participants.  Feedback from the group our first week was very positive.  I think everyone was encouraged by the nice weather we had that day which clearly influenced many of the chosen colors and reflections communicated.

This is a rewarding project for me because of the more personal glimpses it facilitates of the participants.  Both Briana and I hope What Color of the Rainbow Are You Today? will provide pleasure and some personal value to our artists and that sometime in the near future you all have an opportunity to view it upon its completion.

–Brianna Babick

Brianna Babick

Brianna Babick