Why I Contribute to Emmanuel Church & Why Others Should, Too

The first word that comes to mind when I think about Emmanuel is open-heartedness.  It’s clear from the moment you enter the door that all are welcome here, no questions asked, no conformity to one doctrine, one church tradition, one brand of spirituality required.  Yes, of course, it’s a Christian institution.  But there’s no requirement to comply with a physical attitude – or for that matter, a spiritual attitude – to feel comfortable here.  Kneel or stand at the communion rail, if in fact you take communion at all.  Pass the peace to those around you, whether it’s the peace of Christ or simply an expression of good will from one person to another.  It’s more than possible at Emmanuel to simply revel in the company of the like-minded – or maybe not-so-like-minded – people around you.  Drink in the music, which is what got me here in the first place.

I came to Emmanuel in 1984 to sing in the choir.  That’s been my lifelong place in any church I’ve ever been affiliated with. Emmanuel sucked me in slowly but surely to participate in other ways: as a member of the Vestry, as a baker of communion bread, as a reader of scripture – all things that have strengthened my ties to Emmanuel over the decades.

So give it a try!  Forget the experiences you’ve had in other church communities, open your mind and heart to those around you, to the spirit of community that’s so abundant here! I believe you’ll be filled, as I have been, with gratitude for Emmanuel’s warmth and good will.

—Jaylyn Olivo (10/21/2021)