Chancel & Baptistery Windows

1. Three heralds, designed by Charles Jay Connick based on a design of Charles Kemp and Francis R. Allen, were given in 1936 in memory of “vestryman” George Hawley by his widow Annie (Anule Amelia Andros) Hawley. The banners read, Nomen tuum laudamus [we praise your name] and et hymnum gloriae tuae canimus [and sing a hymn of your glory]. The left-most window (now clear) was broken by firefighters in 2000.

2. Five lancets (pictured in the banner at top of this page), designed by Connick, depict (left to right):  Archangel Raphael, Archangel Michael, a red-winged seraph, Archangel Gabriel, and Archangel Uriel.  They were given by Annie Hawley in 1936.
3. Three windows of an archangel flanked by two heralds, designed by Charles Kempe, were given in 1902 in memory of Anna Saltonstall Merrill Ward (Mrs. Henry Veazy Ward, 1828-1901) by her children:  Marian DeCourcy, Anna Saltonstall, Caroline E., and Robert DeCourcy Ward.  The banners quote the Te DeumSanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus Dominus Deus Sabaoth; pleni sunt coeli et terra maiestatis gloriae tuae [Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of Hosts, heaven and earth of full of the majesty of your glory].

4. A set of three lancets of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob was designed by Charles Eamer Kempe. The window begins a band of Old Testament figures that runs along the nave’s south clerestory. In 1902, Cornelia A. French gave them in memory of her father, Jonathan French (1803-1901).

Abraham, Isaac & Jacob
5. Lancets of Joseph, Miriam, and Moses by Kempe, 1902.

Jacob Miriam & Moses

Photo credit: thanks to Julian Bullitt for all images on this page.
Numbering refers to floor plan for this guide.